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Category: Inspire Motivate

Getting Back Time
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As we grow older, we are left with less and less time to enjoy. But we are able to revisit the time that we’ve experienced in the form of our memories and this is where the slightly subjective nature of time becomes apparent.

Time can slow down to a crawl at times or it can speed up and appear to disappear in the blink of an eye. Time seems to speed up as we get older and it gets even faster when we are enjoying ourselves. But although time moves faster when we are engaged and having fun, this ‘type’ of time also lasts much longer.

When we are engaged with novel stimulus, our brain lays down and creates more memories and more neural connections. When something incredible happens, it leaves a deep imprint on our brains that won’t be subject to fading over time. Conversely, when we take part in the routine and the mundane, there is nothing worth remembering and it fades into one.

So when we look back over our lives, it is only the exciting, the novel, the new and the interesting that is retained in our data banks. This is the time that we’re able to ‘get back’ then in the form of memories. And thus living a full and busy life becomes the secret to having not only a rich life but also what seems like a full and long life.

The eBook Information: eBook Format - PDF Reader Reading Requirements - Any PDF Reader Number of Pages - 71 Authors/Creators: Authors/Creators: Private Creators Label - "Resellers Superstore" (Master-Resale-Rights.com) online.