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Category: Inspire Motivate

365 Days Motivation
SALE: $5.95
(Regular $7.95)

There are things that can bring us down and lift us up. Even our own family can fill us up with anger or enlighten us with joy and happiness. Regardless of what stature you have in life, you will always need someone, something, or anything that can help you get through each day. Some people find relief in God, family, companions, dreams and ambitions.

Living a fruitful life is living it with meaning. Finding that meaning can be a lifelong journey and along the way you may need words of wisdom that will guide you through the right path. Words that will let you overcome the struggles that come along with what life has to offer us. Life is always unfair. Some are rich while some seek desperate means just to last throughout the day.

The eBook Information: eBook Format - PDF Reader Reading Requirements - Any PDF Reader Number of Pages - 58 Authors/Creators: Authors/Creators: Private Creators Label - "Resellers Superstore" (Master-Resale-Rights.com) online.